4 Remote Interview Tips For Employers

Depending on the type of virtual interview chosen, make sure the questions are well prepared and relevant to the role at hand.

As a result of the global pandemic, companies have been forced to conduct interviews remotely. Although remote interviews have become a common recruitment technique, it is not every recruiter or hiring manager that is familiar with digital tools and has the confidence to conduct remote interviews.

If you find yourself in such a dilemma here are tips to help you and your team have a successful remote interview with job applicants.

1. Test candidates’ Skills Remotely Before Interviewing Them

Since we are practising social distancing as a way to prevent the spread of the COVID 19 Virus, the use of skills assessments test becomes very important here. It will serve as the most efficient way to pre-screen candidates and save employers the lengthy interview process for only the best ones. No matter the level of the position, using skills assessments test allows employers to know who best can do the job beyond the CV. In Ghana, Jobberman has introduced skills assessments tests which employers attach to job listings and enables them test the hard skills needed to do the job.

2. Test Tech Tools

Virtual interviews call for digital tools. Make it a point to settle on a specific video tool for the interview such as Google Meet, Skype, Zoom, Go To Metings or Google Hangouts. To make sure the experience becomes positive for both the interviewee and the interviewers it is best you choose high-quality video conferencing tools. Ultimately, decide on which tool will be feasible for the interview and communicate that to your applicants.

Prior to the day of an interview, always send video interview invitations to the teams involved and shortlisted applicants. This will save you from undesired surprises when the actual interview is in session. In addition, test if your camera and the microphone works properly and most importantly check internet connection and speed.

One advantage of virtual interviews is that some of the video conferencing tools give you the option to record your interviews and view them later if you need to revisit and make informed hiring decisions. Remember to have a backup plan in case technology fails.

3. Over Communicate

Right from the hiring process could be a great marketing opportunity for employers to sell their companies to prospective new hires. To project your company as the best to potential hires, every step of the process must be communicated to job applicants since it is done remotely and let them know what is expected of them during the remote interview process. Inform applicants whether it is a one-way/ on-demand interview, two-way interview or a live-panel interview.

Do well to confirm from the team and applicants receipt of all information for the interview such as date, time, contact details etc. Possibly, share with applicants some remote interview etiquette such as; avoiding disruptive backgrounds, noisy environments, dressing professionally etc.

In as much as we expect applicants to present themselves professionally, the employer or recruiter must project himself as such. This will project your company as the desired brand to work for potential new hires.

4. Ensure Interview Questions Are Well Prepared

Depending on the type of virtual interview chosen, make sure the questions are well prepared and relevant to the role at hand. For example, if it is an on-demand interview, it is advisable questions are well-drafted and outlined such that applicants are able to answer as expected.

In the case where it is a two way or panel interview make sure the interview is engaging enough, ask the right and relevant questions, pay attention to voice tones and all forms of mannerisms to achieve the purpose of the interview. Unlike face to face interviews, virtual interviews allow you to learn more on about candidates digital environment and saves you the face to face interview stress.

Out of adversity comes an opportunity – Benjamin Frankline

Virtual interviews have come to stay and have eliminated some of the administrative burdens that face- to- face interview entails. For employers looking to conduct remote interviews these tips listed will help you every step of the way. Learn more about remote interviews and how to manage your workforce now and beyond the pandemic from our specially designed employer handbook.

Download your FREE copy for more on remote hiring processes.

Genevieve Amponsah
Notification Bell