A New Year undeniably comes with a lot of energy, hope and enthusiasm which is why it is a good time to regroup and plan for every aspect of your life. Your career can benefit from a dose of the new year rush of adrenaline, and you will be glad you did.
Here are 8 new year career resolutions you can make that will greatly benefit you.
Table of Contents
1. Challenge Yourself

Start the year by challenging yourself to do something you consider quite risky. Have you become too comfortable in your current role or position, why not take on extra responsibilities to challenge yourself? You might not get paid extra for it, but harness that new year energy and sharpen certain skills that have been dormant for a while. You don’t know what opportunities will come your way this year and it’s best to be ready for it.
2. Step It Up For Your Career Resolutions

In 2022, your new year career resolutions should put you in a more senior position than you were last year. Add some value to yourself, learn a new skill or monetize your hobby, acquire a new qualification, explore new opportunities and get ahead.
3. Enhance Your Communication

Apart from keeping you out of trouble and keeping your work transparent to all involved communication in the work environment goes a long way to show professionalism and good work ethics. This year, resolve to send reports on time, respond to and action emails promptly, contribute in team meetings and talk to people you work with. Don’t forget to send ‘thank you’s and thumbs up emojis to colleagues who have earned them.
4. Build Your Professional Network

A necessary addition to your new year career resolutions should be building a professional network. How many of your friends know exactly what your work entails? How many of them can you ask for professional help or can recommend you for a job?
This year, make the effort to include in your circles people in your profession or people who will be beneficial to your career. Attend gatherings where you are likely to meet industry people and expand your network.
5. Keep Fit

Before asking how this directly impacts your career, know that your career is a culmination of your overall physical and mental well-being. This year, make a conscious effort to take care of your health.
You may have had it on your resolutions list for a while now but this year, make decisive, achievable and measurable targets. Pay attention to what you eat, the company you keep and how much physical activity you engage in. This will affect your output at work and other aspects of your life.
6. Make Time To Play

For all the work you do, intentionally take time out to Have fun. Don’t take work home, make time to watch your favorite TV show, hang out with friends often, take a vacation, or road trip or a hike. Create some diversity in your life, keep a positive energy around you and infect your colleagues with some of your positive energy
7. Get Your Money In Order

This year, create a spending budget based on how much you earn and start setting some money aside for long-term investments. Set financial goals for yourself while considering some of the other targets you set for yourself like getting married, or buying a house or a car, or starting that business you always wanted.
Find out how much those things will cost and make a plan for it in your annual budget. This might involve taking on a side job or reducing how much you shop or how many times you go out with friends. The plan should put you in a better financial position at the end of this year than you were last year. Make it happen!
8. Plan Your Career Resolutions

One way to set your new year resolutions up for failure is to assume that you will “find time” to make it all happen. Establish an implementation strategy for all the resolutions you have made. Keep track of all your tasks and responsibilities with a flexible strategy that will be easy to follow. You can use a productivity app, or your google calendar to keep track.
Take charge of your 2022 and make things happen!