Should You Work During Vacations?

A good vacation break from all the work hustle is a great way to unwind. With all that needs to be done, should you work during your vacation? Read more.

One of the most cherished workplace benefits is having a paid vacation. As the Christmas season draws near, it is refreshing to get away from the busy life to have fun, refresh and have a good rest. When you don’t go for vacations you become susceptible to burnout.

We can’t snap our fingers and make our work disappear, but we shouldn’t deny ourselves the opportunity to escape the office for brief yet necessary periods of time. Vacations are amazing, but did you know that working vacations can be incredible experiences, too? It can be hard to completely separate yourself from your work to go on vacation, but there are ways you can relax and have fun while keeping up on your workload.

Why Working During Vacation Is Enjoyable

Guaranteed Flexibility

Though the idea of working while on vacation may be horrifying, it’s a practice many uphold anyway. It might seem like too much sacrifice to do so but in reality, working while away can be self-serving. Working during vacation is less stressful since you can be in the comfort of your homes and stay connected work-wise while ensuring  things run smoothly. Putting in some work during vacation periods makes for a much less stressful transition back to the office afterward.

Of course, there comes a point when too much checking in during your vacation time can distract you from your vacation or defeat the purpose of it altogether. As long as you’re working because you want to, not because you have to, then there’s nothing wrong with carving out a little time each day to give yourself that peace of mind.

Reduced Workload

We’ve all experienced that end-of-vacation dread that comes with knowing we’re about to return to a mountain of work at the office. If plugging in during vacation minimizes that worry, then maybe it’s not such a bad thing after all.
Guidelines to Working on Vacations

Take Advantage of Your Downtime

Before you hit the beach, ask yourself this: Is there a point in the year where your workload is less? Even if you can’t get away from it all without working, you may be able to take advantage of a natural downswing in work so you don’t have to worry about fitting everything in while you’re away. Once you’ve narrowed down on a possible month or two, compare it to the best times to travel and the location of your choice.


Work vacations are all about work, of course, but they are also all about vacations, too. Schedule your time just like you do when you’re at home on the job. Set up times for work and times for relaxation or vacation activities — and stick to that self-imposed schedule. One pleasant feature of a working vacation is the flexibility it comes with. Have a massage scheduled for 10 a.m.? Shuffle your work to a later time slot.

Own Your Vacation

While it is a drag to work while on vacation, make a point of owning it. Don’t sit around and feel discouraged or stressed out that you have to work later. You can work earlier in the day so you can enjoy the rest of your day, or push work that still needs to be done to the back of your mind as you enjoy your cool and fresh breeze.

Not everyone can take a work vacation in the first place, so it’s an excellent idea to keep positive and get what you can out of your stay while keeping connected back home. You will enjoy the best of both worlds.

Are you planning a vacation this Christmas break? Tell us how you intend to fuse in a bit of work while away.

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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