3 Major Reasons Why Customer Service is Everyone’s Job

Every business strives to achieve excellence. Without a customer, there is no business. Whose job then is it to ensure outstanding customer satisfaction?

Around the globe, every business strives to achieve excellence. And the ultimate is to make the customer happy. Without a customer there is definitely no business. Whose job then is it to ensure outstanding customer satisfaction?


A BIG YES! Customer service begins right from the product development team, customer experience team, marketing and sales, through to operations and finance, every employee has a role to play when it comes to customer service.

Here is why customer service is everyone’s job.

1. Dedication and Service

We all agree that, each employee has a specific job description yet to arrive at achieving the overall business goal we need to exhibit a sense of dedication in our work as employees. Be ready to serve, go above and beyond expectation. Your designation may not be directly linked to meeting or interacting with customers, yet your support enables the frontliners of your company to deliver the best of customer service.

As stated by Jan Carlzon (Former CEO, Scandinavia Air): “If you are not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is”.

2. Effective Teamwork

It is an obvious fact that an effective team provides exceptional results. Providing great customer service and for that matter a great customer experience.

For a customer to have the best of great customer experience, cannot be attributed to just the customer service team. Knowledge sharing and problem solving skills, peer/internal reviews, coaching/ mentoring etc from various departments contribute to a satisfying customer experience.

Every employer dreams of an effective team and this can happen when team members do their job well with diligence. Employers must therefore ensure that all employees are aligned and understand how their role affects the overall customer experience. When this is well communicated team members can assist one another in achieving their overall goals. Every team member must have a customer-centric approach even in executing their individual tasks. Customer service is a collective effort of each employee. Unity is strength!

3. Enthusiasm / Right Attitude

A happy employee is likely to provide great customer service with a pleasant and enthusiastic demeanor. When employees execute their work with a sense of positivity and passion, it fuels creativity and produces excellent results. This in the end creates a very satisfying customer experience, increases customer loyalty and increases profitability.

In as much as employees try to make customers happy, employers on the other hand should also consider the additional factors that contribute to business profitability including; investing in quality and professional workers, training and mentorship, technological/ digital tools and compensation linked to performance.

When employees are provided with the required resources to carry out their duties, their satisfaction rises and productivity level rises. Which in the ends interprets greater service and increased customer satisfaction.


No matter your job title in your company, at the end of the day your impact on the customer determines the success of your business. The customer is king! And so are you to serve! When each team member embraces customer service as a responsibility, we achieve more.

Let’s serve together with enthusiasm, a pride of trustworthiness great collaboration to become the DREAM TEAM! Come see how the magic works here at Jobberman. 

We are the Dream Team!

Happy customer service week!

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Genevieve Amponsah
Notification Bell