3 Ways Stand Out From The Crowd

How do they spot the right candidates? What helps those candidates stand out and attract attention? Most likely, recruiters use checklist, too. And, if you want to make it onto their checklist, here are some strategies to get you there.

Stand out from the crowd

How do they spot the right candidates? What helps those candidates stand out and attract attention? Most likely, recruiters use checklist, too. And, if you want to make it onto their checklist, here are some strategies to get you there.

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1. Build Professional Relationships

This used to be called networking. However, the real strategy is building genuine, professional relationships that include giving, taking, collaborating and sharing. These are the relationships that will launch you into success, create strong referrals for open positions and make you stand out from the crowd.

2. Wear Your Super Power

Not literally, but figuratively. Think about a time you overwhelmingly felt in your element; a time when you had swagger; a time you felt a flowing cape attached to your shoulders as you stood with confidence. Then, ask yourself the following questions. What was the situation? Where were you and what was happening?

Once you answer these questions, you can identify your super power and those situations when you are most likely to be “wearing it.” Wearing your super power comes from the inside and projects outward. It is a feeling that launches you into a higher level of success. Wearing your super power will most definitely make you stand out from the crowd.

3. Tell A Compelling Story

As Maya Angelou once said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And, telling a compelling story is a great way to invoke feelings that help make you memorable.

So, share the stories that have made you who you are professionally. What are some of the defining moments in your life? What are the accomplishments that have helped build your unique skills and value? Tell these stories and they will help make you memorable.

What stories can you tell? Do you have other ideas on how to stand out from the crowd?

Nathan Jeffery
Notification Bell