How To Keep Your Work From Interfering With Your Personal Life

A healthy balance between work and personal life goes a long way to manage stress and promote a balanced life. So how can you avoid taking work home?

Work life balance has become like the proverbial unicorn that eludes everyone. It is much talked of but seen by few and yet there remains a strong belief in its existence. In a world of synced devices, real time email notifications, different time zones, etc, it becomes increasingly difficult to separate work from one’s personal life. People have inadvertently woven their personal lives into their careers such that the lines have become blurred and their personal lives have taken a hit as a result and end up taking work home.

A healthy balance between a person’s work and personal life goes a long way to manage stress, and promote a balanced life. There have been many instances of people who have sacrificed their, health, family and relationships on the altar of career success and have lost their jobs or retired to a life of misery. How can you live a balanced life without taking work home?

Set Boundaries

One of the main reasons why the lines between work and personal, life are blurred is because, the lines were never there, they were only implied. For instance, very few people actually set rules about bringing work home, or insist on not using their personal electronic gadgets for work. This means that taking your phone or computer home equals taking work home. People buy into the convenience of being able to access their work mails on the go and so link all their personal devices to the corporate accounts. Set boundaries on how much time you give to your corporate duties. For instance, dedicate 8am to 5pm for work related duties and defer all remaining work to the next day.

Make Time for Play

Don’t spend your holidays and weekends catching up on work. Involve yourself in activities that are fun and exciting and are unrelated to work. Spend time with your family and friends, visit new places and adopt a hobby.


For your overall well-being, dedicate some time to exercising and keeping fit. It doesn’t have to be a full on gym subscription; could be  taking long walks or jogging. This will do a great deal to take work off your mind and also keep your body in shape.


When you are young, you think sleep can and should be sacrificed for other “important” things like work. For a healthy mind and body, doctors recommend 8 hours of sleep every day. Do not allow work to rob you of much needed sleep because your health is an invaluable resource that shouldn’t be offered on the altar of a job.


When you close from work, checkout! log out of all official emails, turn of your office phones completely shut work out till your official work hours begin again. Don’t carry any files home, switch your mind off unsolved work problems and completely shut out anything related to work till the next day. Don’t let the frustrations of work slip into your personal life. Always leave work behind when you step out of the office, and live your life to the fullest.


Enyonam Damesi
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