5 Secrets To A Successful Recruitment

Advertising on the right channels plays a vital role in the recruitment process. Read more about the secrets to finding the best talent.

As a result of the increasing need for human resources in various industries, there is always the need for HR professionals and employers to recruit new team members for business continuity.

Finding the right personnel for specific roles in every organization matters. Without the right fit for the role, the organization perishes.

“Hiring the wrong people is the fastest way to undermine a sustainable business.”- Kevin J. Donaldson, Entrepreneur, Author, and Business Coach

Would you want to hire the wrong fit? No! And that’s why every HR manager or employer is keen on always hiring the best fit for the job. And this is where the recruitment process begins.

Jobberman for the past 9 years has contributed immensely to finding the right candidate for employers. We have had a lot of happy handshakes as a result of providing better recruitment solutions that meet the needs of employers in Ghana.

Our digital recruitment services have proven to relieve off the recruitment stress that burdens HR managers, recruiters, and employers looking for the most efficient, easy, fast, and cost-effective means to find the right fit for their vacant roles.

In Ghana, employers solely rely on the Jobberman platform for the best and most qualified professionals who are looking for their next job opportunities.

Here are secrets to a successful recruitment process.

1. Define the Role

Every job demands a certain level of expertise and requirements. Defining the role means, what the role entails and what kind of skills and even personality will best produce results when hired. Job roles differ depending on the level of the job and the industry. It is therefore imperative that employers specify and state if a certain level of professional experience or specific educational qualification is required to carry out the job. For example, a managerial role requires that the applicant should have a certain level of knowledge about the job and it plays a vital role when listing a job.

Job descriptions are said to play an essential role in attracting the right fit for the job. Ideally, they are supposed to be a guide to job seekers as to what exactly the employer is looking for and if they are qualified enough to apply for the role being advertised.

On Jobberman, employers who list their vacant roles highlight the specific requirements needed. And this has proven to attract the best and most qualified for the jobs. On the other hand, the job description determines what type of recruitment solution you may need to get a faster and better hire.

Management-level roles, most often demand a strategic approach to find the best fit. At Jobberman, our recruitment specialists are able to headhunt strategically and connect employers to very experienced professionals for such top executive positions. And this is done within the shortest possible time. Click here to find out more.

2. Advertise on the Right Job Boards

Advertising on the right channels also plays a vital part in the recruitment process. Most often, employers and recruiter rely on recommendations from family, friends, and their networks to fill vacant positions.

Currently, in Ghana, employers rely only on the Jobberman digital platform to advertise their vacancies and source for talents. When you list on job boards like Jobberman, you get access to a large pool of qualified candidates who are ready to seize their next opportunities.

3. Effective Shortlisting Process

Once a job is listed and candidates apply, the next step is shortlisting. Shortlisting is the sifting through of CVs to compare candidates and choose the ones suitable for the role. When done manually, it poses the process to some shortfalls and discrepancies. To avoid all these, Jobberman’s digital platform has an inbuilt AI system that is able to collect, track applications and sort out applications automatically per the requirements of the job using the ATS. This makes the process faster and automatically eliminates low-quality candidates.

4. Testing for the best candidate

The ATS has successfully sorted applications, yet you want to be fully convinced if the applicants can do what he/she says he can do. Do that with a test. A higher percentage of employers and recruiters testify that skills assessments test has proven to ascertain who is competent for the job and have the expertise before a final interview is scheduled.

The Jobberman skills assessments have been helpful in the recruitment process for employers who needed to verify the specific technical proficiency of job applicants. These employers say: “It’s been great knowing that you can objectively compare candidates after the test and you are able to make an informed decision without being bias”. Find out how this works here.

5. Effective Interviewing Process

Now to the final part of the recruitment process, the interview. This is when job applicants meet recruiters or employers face to face/ virtually to articulate their competencies. At this point, the main objective of the employer is to evaluate if the applicant is the right fit for the job.

Nowadays employers have adopted to conduct remote interviews. Click here for more on virtual interview tips for employers and job seekers.

Sometimes, applicants with little confidence may not perform better during the interview, and that is when you can rely on the assessment test to consider the applicant for the role if fluency is not a dire need for the role.

With the above secrets, we believe your next recruitment process will be as smooth and fast as expected. Jobberman is currently running the FahookiMe campaign with the main focus of matching qualified job seekers to your vacant roles at a DISCOUNT!


Genevieve Amponsah
Notification Bell