The MIAC Job Fair by GIZ Powered by Jobberman Ghana

The Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has organized a Job Fair for job seekers powered by Jobberman Ghana. Read more…

The Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration, and Reintegration (MAC) under the Programme for Migration and Development (PMD) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, in partnership with the Ministry for Employment and Labour Relations (MELR) and Jobberman Ghana has organized one of the biggest Job Fairs in Ghana dubbed the MIAC Job Fair. The event was designed to prepare the unemployed Ghanaian youth for the job market and also to help them get placement into jobs.

The two-day event which took place on the 3rd of September and the 4th of September 2018 was held at the Accra International Conference Center where there was a massive attendance of participants, partners, sponsors, and hiring managers.

Many young Ghanaians from all over the country were present at the fair to gain access to several employment opportunities. The program sort to benefit not only job seekers but also employers, giving them access to a pool of well-trained job seekers for their open vacancies.

Prior to the job fair, Jobberman Ghana with its wealth of experience pioneered a series of training sessions for all registered participants. This took place from 13th August to 27th August at the Best Western Premier Hotel inside Accra, Airport Residential where carefully selected resource persons trained participants on salient job related matters such as; CV preparation, interview skills, personal branding, and corporate grooming.

These bespoke trainers were in the persons of; Andrew Ayiku, lecturer in corporate grooming; Priscilla Sarfo, Human Resource consultant; Alfred Mortey, CV and interview skills expert; Gabriel Adu Asare, Head of Events and Business Development; Jonathan Aryee, Digital Marketing Expert Google Analytic certified; and the CEO of Jobberman Ghana, Geoffrey France who trained participants on corporate report writing, documentation and administration.

At the opening of the job fair which took place on the 3rd of September, Mr. David Tette, Deputy Director of the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, gave an opening address and welcomed all the participants and the very distinguished; Minister of Employment and Labour relations, Hon. Ignatius Baffour Awuah; The German Ambassador to Ghana,  Hon. Christoph Retzlaff;  the Head of Programme for Sustainable Economic Development (PSED) of GIZ, Mr. Christian Widmann; and CEO of Jobberman Ghana, Mr. Geoffrey France; for making time of their busy schedules to grace the occasion.

The German Ambassador to Ghana, Hon. Christoph Retzlaff also expressed his delight for the work done by GIZ and Jobberman Ghana in their tireless effort to help curb unemployment among the youth in Ghana. He also stressed on the importance of having more of such programmes in all the ten regions in Ghana so other unemployed youths outside Accra are not left out.

The guest speaker of the house, Mr. Christian Widmann, Head of Programme for Sustainable Economic Development (PSED) of GIZ also educated the house on the programmes run by GIZ. He mentioned that the job fair project is one of its kind ever held in the country and looks forward to widening its spectrum to helping more job seekers to find jobs. He congratulated the participants on how far they have come right from the days of the training and wished them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

The Honorable Minister of Employment and Labour relations, Hon. Ignatius Baffour Awuah also addressed the state of graduate unemployment in the country and commended GIZ and Jobberman Ghana for such a great initiative. He urged the participants to value the training undergone and acquire more skills outside this training. In his speech, he stressed that job seekers not only focus on getting employed but also see entrepreneurship as a great venture.

The CEO of Jobberman Ghana, Geoffrey France expressed his gratitude for the opportunity given to Jobberman Ghana, to partner with GIZ in such a worthy course to help curb the spate of unemployment in the country. He also expressed that Jobberman Ghana is relentlessly putting its best foot forward to ensure that about one hundred participants get employed through the job fair.

Bringing the event opening to a close, participants were encouraged to prepare for an intense and competitive interview session the next day, 4th September 2018 where one hundred candidates who aced the interviews are being employed till date.

The invited organisations who are currently filling their vacanicies with great talents from job fair are; Techfin, are; Liranz, Ex interior, Deng, Liberty American school, Maleka Farms, Eco capital, Sales Hub, Mega Life Sciences, Hollard, Teksol, Satguru Travel and Tours, Silver Star, Josanti Info Imaging, Enterprise Insurance company, IAES Africa, Surfline, Hecko Group, Zodiac Marine Capital, Rootz Capital, Bond Savings and loans, Artz & Printz / ALC Bureau, Clifton Homes, Tropical Cable Limited,Wax Printz Media, Desimone, Crown Hope International, Lovely Arms Montessori, Milestone Properties, Quantum Logic and Creative Trend Ghana.

The Ghanaian-German Centre for Jobs, Migration and Reintegration (MIAC) is part of the Global Programme Migration for Development (PMD), which is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented under the auspices of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in collaboration with the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR). MIAC’s objective is to advice on employment and educational perspectives for the Ghanaian youth, returnees and intending migrants alike.

Are you looking forward to the next job fair or did you participate in the just ended one? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comment section below


Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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