7 Ways to Make A Difference in the Workplace

Do you want to stand out in the workplace but don’t know how? Find out how you can make a difference and outshine your team members. Read more.

Every day at work comes new challenges and tasks you spend half of your day going by. This is why how you go about each day interacting with teammates and meeting targets is very important for both your personal and work fulfillment. It takes a diligent employee to want to make a difference and stand out. Making a difference is personally rewarding and will help you get ahead in your career.

Here are 7 ways you can make a difference at work and find fulfillment in being a team player;

1. Appreciate Good Work


Make it a point to praise your peers for a job well done. If your colleague meets a milestone it shouldn’t hurt to say “well done”. After all, who doesn’t like being noticed for a superb effort? Everybody wants to feel valued by their organization, and team members who offer praise are the most appreciated and surely get some in return.

2. Avoid Gossip and Spreading Rumors

Petty gossips and rumors in the office are both divisive and foster an environment of distrust. Don’t participate in water-cooler gossip about fellow employees nor pass along crucial company information that has not been verified as factual by management. If there is anything truth to the rumors, for instance, the potential closure of the company, keep it to yourself until it is announced during a staff meeting.

3. Assist a New Coworker

Remember how stressful the first few days, weeks or months were when you were the new employee? You did not only have to learn how to do your job but also learn your way around the office, meet new people and figure out the office politics. Make your new colleague’s day by helping him find what he needs and feel welcome.

4. Focus on Issues, Not Personalities

As long as you find yourself working with people, it’s likely to not agree with or like someone. This could be your manager, a cubicle neighbor, a vendor or a difficult customer. This can be problematic if every time a disagreement arises, it gets blown out of proportion because your personal feelings override your objectivity. Playing blame games or seeking allies to attack your adversary is also unhealthy and contributes to a hostile environment. Take responsibility for your mistakes, be quick to say sorry and accept apologies from others.

5. Say Thank You

Everyone likes to be appreciated for a kind gesture. Did a coworker help you with a project or even something non-work-related? Be sure to thank him for the kind gesture, and return the kindness in the future.

6. Help Keep the Office Clean

A cluttered work environment can be very distractive to work progress. To allow for new ideas and productivity, take the initiative to help keep the office clean. This will give you a sense of pride and joy in being an employee of your company.

7. Teach a Coworker

Help a coworker learn a new skill, whether it’s a simple trick for doing a regular task or a bigger endeavor. She will appreciate your willingness to help her perform her job better, and the kind gesture will prove to your boss that you’re a team player. Remember, everyone loves to stay happy at the workplace.

Making a difference begins with making a personal decision to be the best you can be at your workplace. You may not be a perfect employee or colleague but you can definitely make a good mark as the most liked and appreciated colleague with the help of these tips.

How do you make a difference at work? Share your ideas in the comments section.

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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