How You can Cope with Job Redundancy

Are you dealing with or fear job redundancy and looking for coping strategies? Here are some great tips on how you can overcome its effect. Learn more…

Job redundancy is a horrible experience. For anyone who has ever been through this, it always comes as a “big blow”. It’s as an unbearable shock stage in work life and no one is immune to it. To this day, many people are sent home from work because their work has become redundant.. It has become part of our changing world, where organisations are gradually transiting from  manual work to the use of advanced technology. As it continues to accelerate, you must think of the possibility that it can affect you at any point in time. Knowing this will help you get back on your feet quicker when it happens. With the right tips, you can prepare yourself for such rainy days because job redundancy will not have an effect on you;

The Horrifying State of Losing a Job

Losing your job can be very devastating. You might feel tempted to hide from society to avoid the shame and embarrassment. Some people will find support from loved ones and co-workers who are hit by the same shock.Your worst fear of not being able to provide for your family or earn a decent and stable income becomes a reality when you find your name in the downsizing list. With so many responsibilities to take care of, this can be a state of distress and eventually lead to chronic depression. But is it the end of the world? Certainly not. At this point, you have to cut down on your expenses and figure out a way to make ends meet as quickly as possible. They can let you go today, then find yourself in a better position tomorrow.

Dealing with the Aftermath of Job Redundancy

There are so many emotions that follow after someone is rendered redundant; devastation, worry, anxiety and anger. .Somebody has knocked you off balance and you need to get a hold of yourself as quickly as you can. Whether your redundancy came out of the blue, or it was a slow burn through a long period of time, you are likely to go through those emotions. As normal as these emotions can be, you still need to move on. You need to rise back up and find a solution to save your family from extreme poverty.

Know Your Rights

This is where you need to know what you’re entitled to. It will help you feel much better after receiving the shocking news. Employers are legally obliged to follow strict procedures when laying off workers.This includes ensuring that the selection process is fair and objective.They should also give you an explanation with a valid reason as to why they let you go. Revisit your contract with the organisation and check for key details on redundancy such as the pay, your notice days and alternative work for you (if any). Knowing your rights gives you legitimate reason to contest your employers when they are not fulfilling their part of the contract.

Regain Your Energy

As hard as being laid off is, you need to be strong. Having the right frame of mind will help you switch to the next phase of your life. Be ready to roll up your sleeves and prepare a plan to move on. This is the time to put things in order and you need your utmost energy to do so. Clear your decks, sort out your finances, set a workspace at home (especially if you want to become your own boss), upgrade your skills and get ready for a brand new journey.

Put your Finances in Order

Managing your finances is very important when you lose your job. You don’t want to go home hungry and dependent on others for livelihood. This is where you can fall back on your savings as you search for your new job or venture. When your finances are in check, you are in a good place to handle any unforeseen redundancy. If you luckily get paid after they let you go, consider putting it in an instant-access deposit account in the short term while you decide what to do. If you want to reduce debts, get a good payment plan. Do not pay a chunk off your unsecured personal loans.

Start Job Hunting

Finding a job may not be an easy process but you still need to find one. Tap into your contacts and network to improve your chances of getting a new job. Update your CV and refresh your interview techniques. Apply to as many jobs as you can that fit your qualifications and skill set. Don’t rush to take the first job offer that comes along unless you are sure it is what you need. You could try working part-time or freelance while you weigh up your next move.

Whilst redundancy is always hard, it is absolutely possible to come through it. Embrace the new phase, look at the brighter side and never give up.

Is job redundancy your worst fear or do you have any experience in it, then share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.


Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
Notification Bell