The right way to apply for Jobs in Ghana

Using the hashtag #jobbermangh4jobs, we were able to create a meaningful conversation around the topic “The right ways to apply for jobs”.

Job applications Ghana

Below is a summary of our Live Twitter Q & A session with Jobberman Ghana CEO Babajide Otoki, held on the 29th of July 2016. Using the hashtag #jobbermangh4jobs, we were able to create a meaningful conversation around the topic “The right ways to apply for jobs”. Questions from participants and answers from our CEO are compiled into this blog post for easy reference.

Q1.  What are common   shortfalls of most jobseekers’ applications?

Answer:  lack of specific details, general CVs that are not customised for the specific job application. Others are bogus claims, late application, ignoring instructions

Q2. Is there an added advantage to using job portals?

Answer: Of course!  Of course! Access to 100x more jobs. Saves time and cost of dropping CVs physically. Your chances are higher as more employers use portals like Jobberman to find great people

Q3. What roles do CVS play in job application?

Answer: The CV is the backbone of your job application. CVs provide employers with key points about Jobseekers work history in a comprehensible form

Q4. What should one include and exclude in their CVs to make it more relevant?

Answer: Eliminate superfluous words, Eliminate skills for basic software programs. Most employers today expect you to be familiar with the basic computer programs

Q5. What are some of the right approaches to applying for a job in Ghana?

There’s no single right way. 1.

  1. Read/understand the Job description well – You can gain unimaginable insight by doing this
  2. Research about the role. Look for pointers and clues about what it takes to do the job.
  3. Create the role specific CV & cover letter. Generic CVs are like shooting in dark.
  4. Apply as quickly as possible – Remember, first come, first serve
  5. Repeat these steps over & over again. For every job you seek, 30 other people deserve it too.
  6. Pray! We are not alone in this world.

Q6. Is it smart to apply for jobs in companies where there are no vacancies?

If you have insider info or anticipate they’ll hire soon go ahead and give it a try. Be careful how you go about this as employers do not like unsolicited applications

Q7. How do you increase the odds of getting an interview?

  1. Make your CV compelling,
  2. Only apply to jobs you are qualified for. Employers are very picky cos they know what they want
  3. Your CV should match the job and contain important keywords related to the job description
  4. Use your network as leverage.

Q8. What compensation can you give employers in case you don’t meet the experience requirements?

You must show qualities/skills you have that will help will make up for lack of experience.

Q9. How do you make your application more compelling?

Focus on achievements more than responsibilities, avoid typo errors, Write a summary, and keep your CV update. Say things like, “I Reduced turnover time by 20%”

Q10. Should one state how much you want to be paid in the application?

Except you want to work for free. If asked, please state your reasonable salary expectations.

Q11. Most people are afraid to mention figures. How can this be overcome?

Answer: Research about the role before going for the interview, learn how much others pay for such roles

Q12. When does following up on a job application become necessary?

After a while & you need response. Reachout subtly to the employer via official means.

Q13. Where after a while is? A day, 2days, a week, a month, 2 months?

Answer: Usually, 4 – 6 weeks is a reasonable timeframe as this the average duration for recruitment.

Q14. Do people really get jobs through Jobberman Portal?

Answer: Think! we don’t charge job seekers, we charge employers. If roles aren’t filled, will employers pay us? Jobberman would have been out of business but as you can see, we’re still going strong.

Q15. Do Ghana job markets work, Or it’s about who you know? Companies don’t look at CV anymore I got told.

Answer: Not true! If that was the case, companies like us will not be in business. Most jobs are given out fairly and squarely.

Q16. Your Final words to all job seekers?

Answer: Be positive, the future isn’t here yet & no one is more responsible for your future than yourself.

Check out: How to Rise Fast in the Corporate World

Jide Otoki
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