Here is How to Save Time & Money Hiring Quality Talents

We currently use a bespoke conceirge based solutions designed purposely to ensure effective recruitment and hiring the right fit for the job.

Believe it or not, the recruitment industry today is faced with the problem of increasing employee turnover rate. This is why ensuring your recruitment processes are less cumbersome to help improve the quality of the candidates you hire and save you time and money.

According to the 2018 Best 100 Companies Report and The Millennial Productivity Report, employees are more willing now than ever to change jobs. Improving your processes, work culture, employee experience, benefits, and other package ensures you achieve lower employee churn out rates.

Are you hiring because your employees keep exiting your organisation or moving up in ranks, here are the real problems that could be weighing you down and the proven tips to help you make the best out of your time and money while achieving your hiring goals.

Could Your Processes Be Slowing You Down?

Consider removing some of these processes, including things that might be integral to your recruitment structure. For example:

  • Conducting time-consuming interviews.
  • Ineffective platforms that your jobs are advertised on.
  • Time spent on waiting for candidates to apply.
  • Lengthy screening processes of qualified candidates.

Did you know that a job application is made every 51 seconds on Jobberman? This puts Jobberman in close range to the globally competitive application rate per job advertised. This ensures your jobs receive well-profiled candidates; both those previously existing and the thousands that register on the Jobberman platform weekly.

The following outlines how to hire quality time within the shortest possible time.

1. Offset Some Transferable Tasks

This is the time to call on to the rest of the team in relevant roles to pitch in and help with some urgent tasks to keep things in the department flowing smoothly. Alternatively, you can engage contracted or freelance specialists in the area to hold down the fort as you look for a permanent fit. This gives you sufficient time to hire quality talent as the urgent tasks within the role are being taken care of and processes are running as they should.

2. Shorten Your Interview Process

To hire urgently, cut through the red tape and take only the necessary steps. This might mean outsourcing most of the hiring procedures to recruiters with demonstrable muscle, strong talent pools and the time to sift through applications for exactly what you’re looking for. Jobberman offers the Express Search product where an employer client gets 5 qualified and pre-screened candidates for a final interview and culture-fit assessment. Job seekers on the Jobberman platform are also encouraged to complete their profiles at 100%, which makes vetting easier. This, therefore, means that if you need to recruit quickly, there are some ready C Vs for you to choose from, which makes your work a lot easier.

3. Adopt a Hustle-Free Hiring Process

Jobberman is here to ensure that your recruitment process is productive and well coordinated. Our application tracking system can help you easily screen job applicant profiles for the right candidates that would fit your organisation’s culture.

We also have professional recruiters who have a thorough understanding of the qualities that make up candidates that can be considered the ‘right fit.’ Based on your company culture and the particular demands for the role, these professionals will conduct interviews on your behalf. Afterward, a shortlist of the top ranking candidates will be sent to you.

Having been in the human resource and recruitement industry for the past years we have built the expertise and credibilty to handle your recruitment needs.

We have evolved as a brand and we currently use a bespoke conceirge based solutions designed purposely to ensure effective recruitment and hiring the right fit for the job.

This is the time to enjoy all the benefits as an employer. Request a call today!

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
Notification Bell