5 ways to Survive Your First Week on Your New Job

Have you got a new job and struggling to adjust? Here are some useful tips to help you survive your first week on the job and make you rise. Learn more…

Congratulations! it’s your first week at your new job. You’re meeting different people and it’s a whole new environment for you. Exciting right? But your worry now must be how to blend in and how fast you can do so. For some people adjusting is very easy and comes naturally but for others it takes time. Whichever category you belong to, what you do on your first week, says a lot about you and your work ethics. If you want to flourish in your new job right from week one, here is what you need to do;

1. Survey the Land to Understand Your Responsibilities

On your first week you are eager to make things happen. You want to fix, change and improve everything. You are fired up to execute all that you said you can do during your interview. Well, that is brilliant but just not the right time yet.You have plenty of time to justify your inclusion in the coming weeks.

For your first week focus less on trying too hard to prove yourself. First, get your checks in place. Find out how things were done previously by your predecessors. These include; problems that exist, how it was tackled and what you can do to make things better.  Once you have a good understanding of your responsibilities, you can make your move and make an impact. Plying your way in a new job will not happen in a second. Your first week is your golden opportunity to get the lay of the land as you transition into your new job.

2. Familiarize with Team and Company Culture

Learning about your team and company is important on your first week. In understanding how your team works, pay attention to how they live, laugh, have fun and interact with one another.

Remember, you are in a different work space from your old company so you must carefully observe the new culture and adapt. Start off with things like what hours people typically work, how long they take for lunch and how they interact during the day. If it is trending news or a popular TV show they like to discuss, you can chime in to be a part of your team socially.

3. Set Your Expectations

An important part of your first week is knowing your expectations. Once you’ve settled in and gotten a sense of how things operate, the first week is a great time to sit down with your boss to discuss what is expected of you. It is a must-have conversation that will give you direction to achieve your goals. Don’t be tempted to assume. Ask your new manager what a successful first month and first six months looks like in your role. Managers often forget to make this clear but the sooner you have this talk, the quicker you will excel in your new job. The information you gather from this conversation will give you a clear picture of what expected of you.

4. Ask the Right Questions

Always ask questions if you don’t understand something or need more information. It is better to ask than to pretend you know. When a problem arises after you faked a solution, you may lose trust by your team members. For a “newcomer”, you can’t get a hold of everything in your new office overnight. But before you ask, try to figure it out yourself. When you seem to ask too many questions repeatedly,  it will get irritating and people will rather stay away from you. When in doubt, remember Google has the answer to everything. Don’t be the person that asks too many questions when in fact you can find answers to some of them on your own.

5. Don’t Be the First or Last To Leave

Most people believe the best way to prove your worth is to be the first at the office and the last to leave. Remember, overworking will make you burnout. You will eventually experience poor performance, stress and job dissatisfaction. Watch carefully the time people in your department leave the office. You don’t want to be the first one out the door, but if you’re the last one, you’ll set a precedent that you’re hardworking and willing to sacrifice a few hours to help achieve your company goals.

On your first week you may miss a few steps. Don’t let it get to you. One good thing about being new is that you’ll have the “new kid” glow and excuse for at least a whole month. As you make those mistakes learn from them and get better at your work. With these tips you are set off to a great beginning in your new job.

How was your first week at your new job? If you just begun, tell us how you are coping in the comment section below.

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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