6 Employability Skills that Make You An Attractive Candidate

Do you struggle with standing out in the jobs market and don’t know what to do? Learn how employability skills will place you at the top. Read more.

Employability skills are the winning traits for many successful professionals all around the world. They refer to the traits and talents that make you attractive for your job of interest. To get an edge in the job market, it is prudent you master your employability skills through education, training, and practical applications. 7 of these employability skills have been listed here to give you an added advantage in the job market and position you for higher-earning roles with greater growth potential.

1. Advance Your Education

The training and education you have show potential employers that you take your professional life seriously. You can advance your education and improve your employability skills by getting a degree or certification, completing continuing education courses or participating in internships and work-study opportunities. You can also find a mentor, participate in professional development opportunities or join trade or industry associations that provide enrichment programs for members.

2. Get Organized

How organised are you in your professional life? Organizational skills are vital to make you stand out in your career. Volunteer to take leadership or coordinator roles in your workplace or community. Take part in long-range planning initiatives, strategic planning sessions or event management that can help you hone your skills in this arena.

3. Master Teamwork Skills

Every employer you meet today will tell you the ability to perform well with colleagues is one of the most sought-after traits. You can develop your own teamwork skills by participating in volunteer groups or request assignment to group projects. You can also participate in professional development seminars or programs that focus on building teamwork.

4. Enhance Your Communication Skills

Verbal and written communication skills are important in every business or industry. Become a pro in communication by participating in public speaking forums or volunteering to be a group spokesperson for a program or event. Take advantage of opportunities to give presentations and request constructive criticism and feedback from trusted colleagues.

5. Become Self-Motivated

Employees who are self-motivated and self-reliant are valuable assets to employers. To improve your self-motivation skill, develop your own personal and professional goals and objectives and a course of action for achieving them. Request regular performance reviews and ask for input on how you can improve your skill sets. Take the initiative on projects and meet deadlines without fail.

6. Professionalism

No matter your field of work, professionalism, and integrity are important skills to master. Join professional networking groups and leadership development programs to get ahead of your peers. Be serious about your professional life and learn how to effectively manage your time and deal with work pressures. Familiarize yourself with people in your industry whose level of professionalism you respect and work to emulate their actions and behaviors.

What employability skills have helped you ace your interviews? Tell us in the comment session below.

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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