3 Tips For Following Up After Submitting Your CV

Don’t you just hate the wait-and-see process after submitting your CV? Here is how you can do effective follow ups on your CV. Read more.

CV Follow up

Don’t you just hate the wait-and-see process? Will the employer respond back on the submitted CV? When will the employer respond back? It’s never really clear, and that’s why you have to be proactive.

For starters, it’s always beneficial if you can find ways to leverage networking with the hiring manager or the head of the department for the job for which you’re applying. When you are a referral or can say to them: “I also know John Smith. We attended the same college.” Or, “I’m also connected on the XYZ LinkedIn Group,” the contact will be more responsive to you contacting them.

3 Tips For Following Up After Submitting Your CV

Once you’ve open the door to communication, you have a brief window to get your elevator pitch out there that describes your background and value proposition. Let us explain further through the tips below for following up after submitting your CV:

1. Remember, you’re not calling to ask if your CV was received.

Can you imagine how annoyed the hiring manager would be if every applicant called to see if their CV was received? If it was sent to where the job posting said to send it to, then it likely got to where it needed to go.

Don’t waste time asking the whereabouts of your CV, just jump in and take the opportunity to build rapport with the hiring manager. Use this as an opportunity to build rapport and distinguish yourself by asking insightful questions. You want to take it to the point where you get your elevator pitch in there. For help with developing an elevator pitch, read “4 Steps For Developing A Winning Elevator Pitch.”

2. Demonstrate that you know about their company.

Employers like to hear that you know about their company and are enthusiastic about the opportunity. Do your research by reviewing recent press releases and checking them out on LinkedIn including finding the hiring manager and seeing if there are active discussions. If they just opened a new plant, tell them how you have done that before. If discussions center on the development of mobile applications, showcase that part of your background. What you say will clearly depend on what you’ve pulled from your research of the company and its competitors.

3. Timing is Everything

Following up can be tricky as each employer operates differently, but generally, you want to wait 1-2 weeks after your CV submission before calling the employer. Give the employer a sufficient amount of time to review all applicants and make contact if interested.

In the case that the job posting indicates a selection or decision process that will occur faster than that, then you need to use your best judgement on when to contact so that it’s not too late in the process. And when you do make contact, try to catch the hiring managers earlier in the day before they get bogged down with last minute things they need to do for the rest of the afternoon.

When there are so many applicants for each job opening, a follow-up response from the employer is not always possible, and getting noticed is not easy. Being proactive will help get you through. When you can also do it in a manner that engages the employer in conversation and informs them of your know-how, your chances are even better!

Jide Otoki
Notification Bell