5 Success Keys For Your Career

What are your career plans for the coming year? Find out the keys on how you can attain career success in 2019. Read more.

As the year comes to an end and everyone is preparing to celebrate it with their family, it is important to make plans for your career in the coming year. As we live in a world governed by social status and money, working your way up to the top will definitely improve your quality of life.

Having a successful career will offer you a lot of benefits and real profitable opportunities. This is what you should aim for in the year ahead.

Let’s take a look at the strategies you need to excel in your career in the new year.

1. Identify Your Goals

Like making new year resolutions, what are your career goals? Before even considering following a career route, you must first know what you can do. A big majority of people go through life by following a well-established pattern. The sad part is, they don’t even like what they do when there is so much more they can do and stay happy doing.

In order to avoid this awful happening, you need to fine-tune your goals to suit your desires. Start by making an in-depth introspection in which you should think about the connection between your inner desires and your rational goals. To be truly fulfilled with your professional life identifying with your goals is the way to go.

2. Build a Professional Resume

In the work world, your resume is your power. Your resume is your way of saying “I’m good at this, good at that, and I can help by doing this and that”. That is why you should create a professional, neat resume.

By taking care of this aspect, you are making sure that you’ll never be caught off guard. Opportunities are everywhere, and you should always be ready with a quality resume. You could let professionals like Jobberman Ghana deal with your resume by accessing our Professional CV writing service.

3. Become Aware of Your Strengths

Self awareness is essential to personal and career growth. By being aware of your inner thoughts, your strengths, your desires, and your disadvantages, you can adapt your life to whatever conditions you’re being put through.

Choose your long-term profession according to what you know about yourself. Are you a patient person? Would you be able to sit eight to twelve hours in an office working on a computer? Or you’d rather be a football coach because you’re truly passionate about football and you believe you could be an efficient trainer? No matter your strengths and weaknesses, you should choose a career path that resonates your traits and qualities.

4. Invest in Personal Branding

To succeed in any career choice you need to brand yourself. Many people are spending hundreds of millions in order to establish themselves as the “gurus” of the job market. Your branding is your image in the marketplace.

Do you want to work on your own business? Or you’re looking at landing a promotion? Include branding in your plans by starting a blog, creating a professional social media profile, or simply think of creative ways to provide awesome services for your business.

5. Build Your Professional Network

Networking is all about opportunities and connections. When you meet new people, you basically get a chance to use their skills to your advantage. Of course, you must also give back something: your services, your knowledge, your money and must look at maintaining your networks at all times by avoiding certain networking mistakes. Successful people always network and create those life-lasting profitable relationships.

Start by creating social media profiles on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook or for this Christmas attempt a few meetups or events where you can network with people within your professional industry. You’ll find lots of opportunities and career choices along the way.

Building a successful career takes time, effort, and patience. If you’re willing to sacrifice some free time and you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone, you will succeed. It’s not that hard, honestly. It just takes courage and commitment to follow everything that you’ve targeted and this should be your goal in the coming year.

How are you planning for your career success? Share with us.

Nelly Sadongo-Bawa
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