Best 100 Companies to work for in Ghana: Why You Should Have A Say

The Jobberman Best 100 Companies To Work For focuses on the value employers place on their workforce and how employees rank them.

The Jobberman Best 100 Companies To Work For focuses on the value employers place on their workforce and its reflection on how employees and industry experts perceive a company. Ranking companies based on what current employees, industry experts and the corporate sector recommend is a great way to encourage companies to pay more attention to the parameters that count and for prospective employees to have the necessary insight. Ranking companies based on professionals’ desire to work for them also provides insight for business prospecting and investment.

The eventual Best 100 companies to emerge will be chosen based on several metrics that include salary range, job satisfaction of the employees, room for career growth, employee welfare, adherence to human resource standards and perception by industry professionals.  To ensure that the survey reflective of the desired results, the questions have been tailored to satisfy necessary parameters such as

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Level of Experience
  • Employment Status
  • Monthly Salary
  • Current Organization of Employment
  • Reasons for Commitment to Current Employer
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Career Growth Prospects
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Staff Welfare
  • Equal Opportunity Policy
  • Company Culture

Higher consideration will be given to respondents who are employed, because they are better qualified to provide relevant data that is unbiased and accurate.

Why You Should Have Your Say In The Best 100 Survey

This survey has been created to to recognize and rank the best places for employees to thrive in their careers. If your organization invests as much in empowering their workforce as they do for their clients, this survey gives you the opportunity to rank them. If you believe an organization needs to be commended for its treatment of employees and its employee welfare services and benefits, let us know. Take the survey here

Enyonam Damesi
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