4 Best Practices To Objectively Choose The Best For The Job

Using objective means to know who is competent for a job minimizes corruption. Read about the 4 best practices to choose the best for the job.

It is believed that a quite number of hiring managers and recruiters tend to make unconscious bias decisions during the recruitment processes. When this prevails it tends to affect the business as a whole because the quality of talent needed for the job is being compromised on.

It is therefore ethical that, recruiters adopt key and consistent criteria to aid in making objective hiring decisions. The question now is; what are the key and consistent criteria that decision-makers can adopt to objectively settle on the best candidate without being influenced by favouritism or nepotism?

Here are 4 strategies recruiters can adopt to help reduce bias during recruitment.

1. Blind Recruitment

Blind recruitment refers to the means by which personal information about job applicants are removed to allow recruiters to focus on relevant skills and requirements needed for the job. This gives room to reduce the impact demographics have on the selection process. Since talent and competence is the key element, adopting this strategy enables the hiring team to evaluate candidates qualifications instead of factors that can lead to biased decisions.

2. Personality Test

Personality is the unique set of characteristics that reflects in the patterns of individuals behaviour. Knowing the personality traits of candidates informs recruiters on who aligns well with the role persona drafted for the job at hand and who best fits. For instance, if a role requires a certain personality whether introvert or extrovert, the personality test will help recruiters determine how well a candidates personality together with their skills can bring out the best in them and produce great work results. This explains why some talented individuals are unable to make critical decisions or even meet deadlines. As a result of personality tests, employers are likely to determine candidates who best fit for certain management and leadership roles. Jobberman has developed this type of test which helps job applicants identify their career strengths. 

3. Situational Judgement Test

A situational judgement test is a psychometric form of assessment that is used to measure a person’s mental and emotional responses to a situation. Recruiters mostly use this to determine how well a candidate can perform in a workplace setting. These are tailor-made to suit specific role requirements. For instance, if a candidate applies for the role of a customer service officer, a scenario which involves people skills and problem-solving skills will definitely be checked here. With this test, recruiters are able to know who is most suitable for the position.  Hiring managers also use this method to assess the professional understanding of the role against the realities of the role of the candidate.

4. Skills Assessments Test

Skills assessments tests are role-based test which recruiters use to test for the best candidate. These tests are specifically curated to assess the technical competencies and professional expertise of the candidate applying for a job. With an assessment, you utilise key and consistent criteria to objectively sort for the best.

Based on work experience and qualifications, the job applicant is required to answer specific subject questions in relation to the technical skills needed. This is one of the convenient ways recruiters are able to make strong hiring decisions free from bias.

Jobberman offers these tests which employers can now attach to job listings. Every test taken by a candidate is recorded and accurate results are provided after each test. The report lets you objectively differentiate among candidates who seem to have the same education and experience levels. It gives you the opportunity to know who is a beginner, an intermediate and an expert in their field. So using skills assessments absolutely is the most objective way to test for the best candidate for the job.

Request a demo here and be on your way to hiring the best next employee free from bias.

The video below gives you a feel of how to manage applications with Skills Assessments and how well these assessments cover all the important aspects.


Genevieve Amponsah
Notification Bell